That’s what partners tell each other. We hit a bump in the road and push round it together. Today - Coronavirus is that bump and we’re on hand to help get you to the other side. How? Through live broadcasting. We don’t need to spell it out for you, but we can tell you that everything in the face to face world is possible in the digital world. We’ve been doing this for a while, the only difference now is that our hand is being forced to choose digital over face to face alternatives.

The tables have turned - but the rulebook hasn’t.


Call it what you want – but the fundamentals of a live broadcast are virtually the same as a live event.

Different platform, same rules. Content is still king and if you ignore the tech - it’s still about making delegates think, feel and do something as a result of awesome content that connects the head and heart. We can also confirm to the sceptics – it doesn’t have to be a boring one-way feed that your delegates switch off from after 5 minutes of death by power point. When we say we can make this interactive – we mean it. All of the special touches you feel from a live event can be bought to life digitally. From film, gamification, podcasts and virtual spaces – we can re-invent face to face communication through these mediums and wow your delegates – even if they’re tuning in from their dining room table.


Okay, so we can’t necessarily get 500 delegates in a room together right now. But that’s okay. Live broadcasts/ shows can be streamed to delegates in the same way our favourite TV shows can.

Keeping them entertained won’t be a problem but making them feel involved may take more thinking. There are a few solutions we’re hot on that can make delegates feel more included Finding your audience

✔️ If you still want your delegates to ‘show their face’, virtual crowds can be an awesome solution. Guests log into an online portal, take a photo or video of themselves and that’s projected onto an LED screen that can be present at your streaming ‘site’

✔️ The image compilation makes it look like everyone is seemingly together and you can then share the mural of your virtual attendees.

✔️ It not only looks awesome, it’s also a perfect tool for social and PR when talking about the challenges of losing live events.

Virtualise your delegates

✔️ Think of it as real-life SIMS. Delegates create avatars, online, that can enter and engage with one another in an online virtual space. It can link to a live broadcast and you can literally create a whole virtual event which your avatars attend while being fed live content from your business. Feels like the future right?


And if you don't, we have.

A stay at home approach doesn’t have to feel second best, as environment design doesn’t just apply to purpose-built event spaces. It’s all about mindset. If you can’t go offsite – where can we transform on-site? So long as you have the square footage we can help bring it to life. Look for the potential around you. Whether it’s atriums in your office, the cafeteria, a warehouse, storage unit or an empty board room – we can bring the venue to you and turn a blank canvas into a creative and dynamic space for both smaller face to face events or live broadcast streaming studios. It’s like we’ve been saying – different scenario, same rules. We’re experts at bringing spaces to life and finding innovative solutions to venue restrictions – that includes office space or in fact any space that you have at your disposal. That being said, if you really are working out of a rabbit hutch, don’t worry – as we definitely aren’t. At Top Banana’s Midlands HQ we house a 1600ft2 studio that can be used for filming, events, live streaming… the list goes on. The best thing about it? Call it our values range – but we don’t believe in charging you for the space that we’re lucky enough to have. So let us know your problem and we’ll give you the space solution. Simple.


Somehow telling our kids to get off social media and have a conversation with a human being suddenly seems hypocritical… As now couldn’t be a better time to harness the social power in front of you and utilise social networks to communicate.

Whether it’s Yammer, Workplace or an internal intranet platform – bolster the channels available to you. Social platforms are all about connectivity – so run some initiatives to get people online and using them. Whether it’s a weekly discussion board on topics you would have debated at your staff conference or a ‘site takeover’ where one of your offices owns the platform for a week to share ways of working – there are opportunities to engage employees without them having to leave their desks; while also making use of a system you already have in place. No cost and no hassle.


Okay it’s not Romeo and Juliet, but there is an undeniable a love affair between people, their devices and the apps they use. We use personal apps every day, if we’re being realistic probably every hour. So harness that power and create an awesome app with all the bells and whistles to engage your employees. It's simple to integrate into a live broadcast and it can be made to feel like a TV show app that links into the live content. Gamification is a must and with the option to brand games, link it to wider business messages and still make it entertainingly addictive – you could be giving your delegates the next Candy Crush whilst engaging them in your business content. Win win.


If you can’t be with one another face to face – connect in a different way. Film has the power to make us think, feel and do. It’s not just a tool for driving traffic and promotion - it tells a story.

Think facetime over face to face. Film allows a leadership team to connect with employees on a personal level without even leaving the office and interviews or live footage can be mixed with animation and graphics to create an informative and engaging piece of film that resonates with employees on a more personal level. On a budget? User generated footage can be as effective – you can achieve a polished look on a shoestring by getting personal footage from your employees and simply getting a professional to edit it together and overlay messages.

Plus what’s better than having the people at the heart of your business share their stories? Films that connect our heads and our hearts are more effective in sharing messages – so make it personal to make it stick.

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