Our experience in

Hybrid & Virtual Events

Following the global pandemic we worked hard to transition our expertise to the virtual world. Using our very own digital event platform, we are able to create hybrid and virtual experiences that rival their live counterparts. Virtual events allow you to maximise brand exposure and extend reach and engagement with your audience even further.



Rocket Launch

We were tasked with producing a Live Broadcast of a real rocket launch for our client OneWeb, which is the Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite communications company that delivers high-speed, low-latency global connectivity to the world. Lift-off occurred on 18 December 2020 at 12:26 GMT, which was packed into an hour long show that saw the Rocket being launched from Vostochny Cosmodrone with our Science Experts based in London talking through the process of satellite creation to launch. The Launch was a success and saw another 36 satellites added to OneWeb’s constellation design. This event was definitely a tick off our bucket list and we are very proud to have been involved. After all, we figured F1 cars don’t differ too much from a space rocket, right?

Technology Sector


International Marketing Kick-Off

Adobe didn’t want a global pandemic to get in the way of supporting their employees and helping them be the best they can be. Instead of waiting until they could arrange a face-to-face event, they worked with Top Banana to create a four-day learning and development virtual event for their 400 strong global marketing team. Top Banana went in with ‘content is king’ at the forefront of everything we did. With two TV show style events to begin and end the week, we created moments that were unmissable, fast paced, content-rich and relevant to kick start the week with a bang. Expected to do around 4 hours of learning a day, employees were given the freedom to design their own agenda across the four days. With 25 on demand content topics available, 5 speakers running workshops and 3 team building activities, employees were completely immersed in engaging content and interactive networking opportunities.



Virtual Forum 2020

Creating a bespoke digital platform that allowed a global media audience to interact 1:1 with key Toyota Senior Experts Whilst initially planned and developed as a physical event (a follow up from the inaugural Kenshiki Forum event held in January 2020 in Amsterdam), pan-European Covid 19 restrictions required that the event was reinvented as a wholly digital experience – at first as a studio based digital hybrid event, then fully digital when the host country entered lockdown in November leaving just 4 weeks to be re-deployed as a completely remote-digital setup. lga created a bespoke digital platform that allowed a global media audience to interact 1:1 with key Toyota Senior Executives and Experts to gain insight and knowledge regarding Toyota’s plans and strategy for Electrification, a Hydrogen Society, KINTO, Lexus Electrified and Toyota’s Sustainable Development Goals. Over the course of 3 days, 10 sessions were held with livestreaming of over 20 hours of content which included almost 7 hours of live, interactive Q&A. 12 remote presenters (from Europe and Japan) were seamlessly connected to host multiple sessions, whilst a back-office team helped administer audience feedback. The unique platform allowed Q&A via ‘live chat’, or as direct face to face interaction (ala Teams/Zoom), allowing the audience unrivalled access and insights from key Toyota experts, to help build media relationships and brand advocacy.