We all know what a TV show is, but in business, it's only recently they've come into the foreground. Creating a regular company TV show can be the perfect way to communicate to those hard to reach audiences.

Delivery is up to you - make them live, pre-recorded or on-demand Netflix style, with the opportunity for live Q&A's and comments that really get your employees involved in the conversations you want to happen - whilst starting a few from the perspectives of your staff that you didn't know needed to happen.

Fundamentally, it's a doorway into conversation, challenge and change, whilst also showing face and keeping leaders in the forefront of employees minds - at a time when we all can't physically be united.


2020 has been the year of the podcast. They're more popular than ever and for good reason! Simple sound bites of information, fed in small digestible chunks has proven popular with audiences, and there's no reason your company can't jump on the bandwagon.

Producing one might be easier than you think (in fact - you can make one just from a voice recording on your phone, sat under your duvet!) and we've had great success with the client ones we've produced so far this year - as well as our own.

Engaging your workforce with small pockets of meaningful insight, week after week can have a lasting impression on your culture, with the opportunity for internal or external guest speakers, the perspectives of different departments and leaders alike - ask yourself, why aren't I doing one?!


Something that your pre-teen children, nieces, nephews or cousins might be more accustomed to... but Vlogs are the perfect mix of Podcast and TV show style communication. It can be fine art to ensure they're engaging - otherwise, you may as well be sat on a Zoom call listening to the content live right?

With the right topic, editing and after-effects - they can be a key channel in your communication mix. Be it your leadership team, unsung heroes or guest external speakers - you can produce a series from the comfort of your own home, that starts conversations and sheds some light into places that have been hidden since we've been absent from the office.

Think creatively, if you're a B2C company - why not host an influencer style series that launches your new products to your employees? B2B - think about humanising your leadership team with an Ellen Show Style 'burning questions' series that answers anonymous employee questions that they've been dying to know the answer to (pre-vetted of course... we're not trying to catch anyone out!).